How to set yourself up as a fresher in the programming field?

The IT industry is vast and ever-changing. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from software and hardware engineering to data science to IT security. It means that there are endless opportunities to find a career based on one’s interests and skills. On the other hand, it can be difficult to know where to start if you’re just getting started in the industry.

Confused student

As I am experienced in the field of programming, I am writing the blog to specifically help freshers who want to get started or who are new to the programming field. I have around 8 years of experience in this field, specifically in the web development field. I started out as a PHP developer, then pushed myself to become a full-stack developer after a year. Currently, as of writing this blog, I am working as a NodeJS developer. The reason I am describing this is because I know the struggle that one goes through when starting a career in this field.

First of all, if you’re interested in a career in IT, the first step is to figure out what you’re interested in. Do you like to code? Do you enjoy working with hardware? Are you fascinated by data? What about IT security? Spend time knowing about different fields that you can choose in this field. Once you know what you’re interested in, you can start to explore the different career paths that are available.

If you have determined that you want to pursue a career in programming, congratulations! This is an exciting time for you, and I’m sure you have a lot of questions about how to get started. Here are some of the ways you can start your journey:

  • Learn about the basics of computer system

    Before jumping right into the world of coding, it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of the computer system, how things work, and the terminologies. You should know things like what an Operating System is, what hardware and software components are, the basics of networking, how the internet works, etc. This will just make you a better IT person, no matter what field you choose.

  • Choose a programming language

    If you like coding, do you like to build websites? Mobile Apps? Games? Desktop App? Do not worry if you have no clue what you want to do, just watch a few videos, or read articles to get some ideas.

    Another way to explore is to choose a language that can be used to build apps on multiple platforms. For example, you can write JavaScript to create web applications, mobile apps, desktop apps, etc. Python can be used to create web applications, game development, data analytics tools, etc. Learning these languages allows you to create apps for different platforms. As a fresher, these two languages can be a good option to get started, but you can explore other languages as well.

  • Learn the fundamentals of programming

    There are tons of resources available online that can teach you the fundamentals of programming. Make sure you select the ones which have good reviews and are updated regularly. Do not get overwhelmed when you find topics that go over your head. This is common when starting out, give yourself time or multiple tries. Patience is the key while learning a language.

    If you think you cannot learn on your own, then you can take courses in institutions, get involvement in boot camps, etc.

    You will start with the concepts like variables, functions, conditional statements, loops, arrays, etc. Then slowly learn concepts like Object Oriented Programming or Functional Programming. Again, do not worry if you are unfamiliar, it will make sense once you go through it one by one.

    If you are interested in web development, you can start with designing web pages by learning the basics of HTML and CSS first. After that make web pages interactive using JavaScript.

  • Build side projects

    The best way to learn is to build projects and apply what you learned. Or in other words, don’t just read but also apply practically. It is because you will immediately forget what you learned if you do not apply that knowledge. If you are following a tutorial, do what the instructor is doing and understand bit by bit. This way you will be able to memorize the syntax of the language, and know how things work. Try to write code by following best practices and standard coding practices as much as possible.

    Do not aim for big projects right away. To begin with, it can be as simple as a Todo app, or a basic calculator app. Once you get familiarized, start exploring other projects.

  • Read other’s code

    One of the best ways to learn is to read others’ code. It helps you to learn how others solve specific problems. Also, you will know about different architectures and algorithms for building applications. There are lots of open source projects on GitHub across all the programming languages. Go to the popular ones and read the issues, pull requests, documentation, etc. which will provide valuable knowledge. Try reading through small pieces of code so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

  • Follow the community

    Each language has its own community. There are lots of communities, both online and offline, which you can get help from. Getting involved in the community will allow you to gain knowledge as well as get job opportunities. Sites like Dev, Hashnode, etc. are good platforms where you will find a lot of developers sharing their thoughts, articles, and tips.

    If you get stuck in a concept or coding, ask questions on sites like StackOverflow and fellow developers would be happy to help you.

  • There are changes in the programming field all the time. Getting updated with the latest trends and tools will get you to get a competitive advantage. Make a habit of reading blogs, newsletters, etc. Similarly, try participating in the conferences that happen in your locality.

  • Apply for an internship

    Once you have learned the fundamentals of programming, built a few side projects, and felt a bit confidence, apply for internships in different organizations. An internship will help you apply what you have learned in a practical way by getting involved in real-life projects.

Most of the points mentioned above are not just a beginner thing, they should be done all the time. The more you practice, the more you gain confidence. You do not become a good programmer overnight. What’s important is you motivate yourself to learn the language and hopefully become a good developer working in a software company in the future.

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